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3 Free Ways to Make Your Own Soil for Growing Organic Food - Regenerative Gardening & Permaculture


For ages the addition of different substances to the soil to make it grow better plants, fruits, vegetables and/or grass has been a common practice amongst agriculturists. The reason is that the ground does not always have sufficient nutrients and is unable to provide plants what they need to develop in a good way. Natural Science has been trying to develop a natural plant food because that is exactly what will allow the ground to keep water and substances more effectively. The effect of the reprocessed animal skin on the ground is that it makes it a lot more porous, therefore it will bear more liquid and will prevent the death of the plant in case of H2O deficiency. In order to achieve our dream garden we need some tools to make things easier and an ally to give your plants the care they deserve. This ally I am talking is plant food that will take care of your plants on the inside, while you take care of the outside. When it comes to plant food there are two views. Another characteristic of their products is that contain small quantities of trace elements that are vital during the development stage of plants. This company produces more than five natural plant food products namely Phyta-Green, Phyta-Grow, Phyta-Start, Phyta-Guard, Phyta-min, and Phyta-Qc. The first product they manufactured was Phyta-Green and this is the perfect natural fertiliser to use in horticulture and greensward. Fluid natural plant food The use of natural plant food is a very popular practice among agriculturists and horticulturists all over the world. This is because it is a good way of fostering the growth of plants, vegetables and/or fruit in a harmless way. There are different types of natural fertilisers but the most commonly used kind nowadays is the fluid type. What's more, natural plant food will not only help the development of your grass but it will also protect the ground because it will make it less silty. Natural plant food is also beneficial if you want to boost the protection of the plants and grass against any illness that might affect them and it is a perfect ally when you need to ameliorate H2O percolation. 

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