How to use algae products Algae natural plant food can be applied in different ways. The first way is by simply diluting the concentrate in water and pouring it into the ground. Another way is to dilute it in water and sprinkle it over the foliage. Most farmers use the second method because they claim it is a lot more effective. Some farmers agree that the best plant food to give to their plants is the inorganic fertiliser. They claim so because inorganic plant food has the ability to boost the plants' growth significantly and because they get faster results. However, on the other side are those who claim that the best way to feed their plants is by using environmentally friendly products. This company produces more than five natural plant food products namely Phyta-Green, Phyta-Grow, Phyta-Start, Phyta-Guard, Phyta-min, and Phyta-Qc. The first product they manufactured was Phyta-Green and this is the perfect natural fertiliser to use in horticulture and greensward. This product encourages the creation of more microbes that are vital for the development of plants. Natural Plant Food- new development of Natural Science Although Natural Science has existed for more than seventy years, it has only recently developed a natural plant food to make things easier to agriculturists and horticulturists all over the world. The good thing about this new product is that it has been made with reprocessed animal skin. If you compare it to its natural counterpart you will notice that the natural products also contain what the ground needs, the problem is that the quantities are too small. However, as inorganic plant food has been created by man it also contains some other dangerous substances for the ground. The most hazardous component found in inorganic products acid, which will significantly diminish the natural components of the ground that are vital in the development of plants. Some typical natural plant food include fish coating, animal dung, leaves waste matter and alga. Application techniques Both unprocessed and inorganic plant food can be used in two ways. The most traditional way is by simply pouring the plant food you choose into the ground. However, thanks to advances in technology, these two types of plant food can now be used in a different way.
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