When you analyze the amount of substances needed by maize you realize that it is generally higher than for any other grain you grow. The substances maize needs are nitrogen, iron, and potassium to mention a few. Let's have a look at what you need to consider when buying natural plant food for maize. Stores are flooded with natural plant food products for maize, therefore when you have to choose the most appropriate one for your field it can be a challenging task to carry out. If you know what components are used to make that plant food you are buying it will be easier to stay away from those products that are not natural. Plants need three basis substances to develop. The substances are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and almost all natural products contain them. In case you want to grow roses, the plant food you buy should be made of fodder aliment. The natural ingredients used to make natural plant food are fish coating, algae concentrates, animal dung and other extracts of plants found in the ocean. Although there is a wide variety of natural plant food alternatives, many producers have started to use sea-related products in their practice. The oceans and seas all over the world is where most of the chemical waste and rubbish go to after having been processed. One thing to consider is that, although the levels are small the plant food will still be effective. If the label says the plant food contains carbamide, ammonia and/or salt, this means that the plant food is not natural and that you need to stay away from it. Some commercial plant food often includes oilseed and animal skin waste. Some natural plant food products have too much potassium in them and if you use it in excess you might end up with burnt plants and useless ground. That's why you need to be careful with the application method you use. Some farmers claim that the best way to apply liquid plant food is by sprinkling it over the leaves of the plant. Read on to find out what are the most suitable natural products to take care of your garden. Natural plant food products are made of algae concentrates, animal dung, wood ash, fish coating and compost. All the natural plant food products are available in different ways: fluid, gritty, powder and rounded animal dung, which is commonly referred to as pellets.
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