Natural plant food suppliers The trends nowadays show that agriculturists and horticulturists all over the world have turned their back to inorganic products because they are costly and they also affect the environment. Most farmers are using natural plant food products to improve the condition of their fields, grounds and crops. Apart from helping the planet you will be helping yourself as well because if you use a fluid plant food to fertilise your grass you will not spend as much time and money on it anymore. Although inorganic substances tend to be quite effective, you need to consider its harmful effects not only on your grass but also on your family and pets. Let's have a look at what is more convenient for the ground and your pocket. - Natural or Inorganic? One of the most common issues among home horticulturists and agriculturists is that their soil is not well nourished; this is when plant food of any kind comes into action. For ages the addition of different substances to the soil to make it grow better plants, fruits, vegetables and/or grass has been a common practice amongst agriculturists. Natural plant food- commercial alternatives We all know that the fashion nowadays is to go green. Therefore, most things are done in an environmentally friendly way to protect the world. One of the most amazing things that have happened in recent years is that agriculturists and horticulturists have started to use more natural products to take care of their fields. - Chemical plant food: this kind is not actually a natural option because it is generally made of processed ingredients. Some of the most well known chemical plant food options are orthophosphate, sodium nitrate and sandstone. - Natural waste matter plant food: this kind of plant food is what most producers go for because the waste does not undergo any process and because it is also very inexpensive to make. Apart from those three substances, natural plant food products generally have sulphate and zinc. The other main component of natural plant food products is natural materials. This substance helps the ground to be more resistant and to retain water a lot more. Some natural plant food products have too much potassium in them and if you use it in excess you might end up with burnt plants and useless ground.
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