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In Asia, they have already started to open complex where animal dung is processed and sold. The biggest complex sells more than one hundred thousand tons of natural plant food every year. On the other end of the world, the United States another plant food complex has been opened. In the American case, they work together with a rubbish processing company that transforms it into plant food. This means that you need to pay attention to what the plant tells you in order to provide the correct natural plant food product to improve its condition. 3- When the leaves at the bottom of the plant start to get a yellowish tone it means that it is not getting enough nitrogen. In this case as well as using a natural plant food product for maize you will have to combine it with carbamide, nitrate and/or calcium to improve the plant's condition. They claim so because inorganic plant food has the ability to boost the plants' growth significantly and because they get faster results. However, on the other side are those who claim that the best way to feed their plants is by using environmentally friendly products. One thing you need to consider is that either natural or chemical plant food, both of them have pros and cons, but we need to say that natural plant food products are the ones that will have a less negative impact on the world. If you read the label in any of the fish coating containers you will notice that apart from crushed fish it has small quantities of other nutrients that will boost the development of the plant. Another popular product used among gardeners is alga. It seems that water-related products do have a beneficial effect on plants. California natural plant food As a result of the increasing environmental issues we face nowadays, a great number of agriculturists have decided to replace inorganic plant food products with greener alternatives to take of their fields. There is a company in California called California Organic Fertilisers Inc. Some of the most commonly used natural plant food options are wood ash, aquatic vertebrate coating, animal dung, alga and leaves waste matter. Leaves waste matter, fish coating and alga are available in the form of fluid as well. The most popular method among farmers is leaves waste matter because it has a lot of beneficial effects on the plants wellbeing. 

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